var language,currentLanguage,languagesNoRedirect,hasWasCookie,expirationDate;/* * This is the Category element placeholder */ ( function($) { var Category = {}; window.Category = Category; // Category Element Model Category.ElementEntry = Backbone.Model.extend(); // Category collection, it act as array for elements Category.Elements = Backbone.Collection.extend({ model: Category.ElementEntry }); // Category view object Category.DisplayElement = Backbone.View.extend({ // tag name for the element is div, it means each element will be surrounding by
tagName: 'div', // classes for the element div className: 'item-wrapper pre_element_block', initialize: function() { // use template that has name "element-template" this.template = window.HandlebarsLoadTemplate('element'); }, events: function(){ var _events = {}; // add click event to the element hyperlink, which will execute addElementByClicking on click _events["click " + ".element_block"] = "addElementByClicking"; return _events; }, render: function() { this.$el.html(this.template(this.model.toJSON())); // Get model "data" array and loop over it and add it to the DOM element with prefix "data-" var dataArray = this.model.get('data'); if(dataArray) { for(var index in dataArray) { $(this.el).attr("data-"+index, dataArray[index] ); } } // activate dragging for the current element DdHelper.activateDragging($(this.el)); return this; }, addElementByClicking: function(){ var elementObject = app.palette.createElement(this.model.get('id')); // get last element index var elements = $( '#editor .item-wrapper' ); var lastItem = $( '.item-wrapper:last' ); var elementIndex = elements.index(lastItem); //var elementIndex = $("#editor").children().closest('.item-wrapper').index(); //:: Not working // add 1 to the last element index which is used as element order. i.e. element index is the element order in it's parent elementObject.attributes.index = elementIndex+1; // add the element to the selectedElements app.editor.selectedElements.add(elementObject); // capture editor fusionHistoryManager.captureEditor(); }, }); Category.DisplayTab = Backbone.View.extend({ initialize: function() { this.template = window.HandlebarsLoadTemplate('tab'); }, render: function() { this.$el.html(this.template(this.model.toJSON())); return this; } }); Category.DisplayTabContent = Backbone.View.extend({ initialize: function() { this.template = window.HandlebarsLoadTemplate('tabContent'); }, render: function() { this.$el.html(this.template(this.model.toJSON())); return this; } }); })(jQuery);